Friday, July 27, 2012

In Love with a Robot

I read a lot of articles, and I do mean A LOT of articles, on a daily basis.  Many of them are pretty similar, with a sentence of two of good advice.  On rare occasions, such as this one, I find an article that hits so incredibly close to home, I could've written in myself.  The article below is one of them.  So I thought I would share it instead of posting today because it's basically my story in someone else's very eloquent words.  Enjoy!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Great Expectations

I’ve always been one to believe that anything worth having doesn’t come easy, and the best things in life are worth fighting for.  In fact, that was the central thought behind my relationship and why I put up with as much as I did.  I don’t believe in perfection, but I do believe in striving for it.  My soon-to-be ex-husband would tell you that nothing is ever good enough for me, but that’s not true.  I’m sadly very easily satisfied, but I don’t accept less if I know something can be better.  I expected the same in my relationship.  Why settle for mediocrity when you know you can have greatness?  The problem is, you can’t expect greatness from someone that cares about nothing.  Well, I suppose that’s a harsh generalization.  Mr. Wrong didn’t care about nothing; he just didn’t care about anything related to me.  He certainly cared a lot about himself, his mom, his friends, and having a good time at all costs.  And in the end, it cost him a lot.  But again, he couldn’t be bothered to care about that either. 
The point is – the picture above is right.  Don’t let others tell you that your expectations are too high.  They’re only telling you because they’re either not capable or willing to meet them.  As my great friend always says, “It’s in setting your standards too low that you get less than what you deserve.” 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Passive Aggressive?

As I sat down, thinking about which soap opera event occurred next, I was reminded of a question my brother recently asked me – “Was he passive.”  It took me a minute to answer his question, as it had never actually occurred to me to describe him that way.  Mind you, I’ve used lot of words to describe him, but that’s one characteristic I was completely unaware of until my brother brought it to my attention.  In reflecting on the relationship, and doing a little research (like the nerd I am), I came upon this great article that described the “passive aggressive male” far better than I ever could, and coincidentally it describes Mr. Wrong, oh so right!

Enjoy the article, and if you happen upon the passive aggressive male, observe him in his natural environment, but don’t ever put your hand in the cage.